The Truth About Tooth Whitening and How You Can Do It

Teeth whitening has grown to be so trendy that it seems like everybody is doing it. If you want to attain a bright and white smile, teeth whitening might be just what you are looking for. Not only is teeth whitening efficient, but it can also significantly change your smile and develop your self-esteem altogether.

Tooth whitening can be an extremely efficient way of lightening the normal colour of your teeth without removing any tooth surfaces. It cannot create a total colour change, but it may improve the existing shade.

Why Would I Need Tooth Whitening?

professional tooth whitening

The initial thing to know is that there are two essential parts to a tooth—the non-living tooth (enamel) and the internal, living component of the tooth (dentin). Here are some factors that can impact either the enamel or the dentin of the tooth, causing altering degrees of staining or yellowing.

Age: Dentin in nature yellows as it ages, and since there aren’t at present any ways to whiten the internal part of the tooth, teeth show more yellow as they acquire age. This is because the external, enamel of the tooth acts like a clear casement that reflects the color of the internal dentin.

Grinding: Grinding can hastily age teeth; leading to early yellowing among other issues. When you grind your teeth, the force causes early aging and shrinking of the dentin—which, once more, shows up as yellowing.

Dental trauma: similar to grinding, strain from falls or accidents can cause injury to the tooth that leads to unexpected aging and yellowing.

Poor diet: Not having ample nutrition can also be a reason of early tooth aging, as all parts of the body—as well as the teeth—experience lack of the vitamins and nutrients that can hold up optimal health and avoid aging. And, of course, aging teeth come out more yellow.

Foods and drinks: not like dentin that becomes discolored from age and trauma, the enamel is repeatedly stained from the foods and drinks we consume. Obviously, high pigmented substances like wine, tea, coffee, and cigarettes, causing the most harm. For these types of stains, teeth whitening products—and even a focused cleaning at the dentist’s office—can turn round a number of of these stains and lighten up the enamel of the teeth.

What Does Tooth Whitening Involve?

Professional bleaching is the majority usual means of tooth whitening. The dental team will be capable of telling you if you are fit for the treatment, and will administer it if you are. First, the dental team will apply a rubber guard or a gel on your gums to protect it. They will then add the whitening product to your teeth, using a specifically made tray that fits in your mouth like a mouth guard.

The ‘active ingredient’ in the product is frequently hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. As the active component is broken down, oxygen penetrates the enamel on the teeth and the tooth colour is made lighter.

How Long Does This Take?

The whole process can typically be complete in three to four weeks. Initially, you will require two or three sessions. The dental team will have to make a mouth guard and will take impressions for it at the initial meeting. Once the dental team has begun the process, you will need to maintain the treatment at home. This means frequently applying the whitening product over two to four weeks, for 30 minutes to one hour at a time.

Though, there are at present some latest products that can be applied for up to eight hours at a time. This means you can get an acceptable result in as little as a week.

What Other Procedures are There?

There is currently laser whitening or ‘power whitening’. Through this process, a rubber guard is put over your teeth to guard the gums, and a bleaching product is dyed onto your teeth. Then a light or laser is focused on the teeth to trigger the chemical. The light speeds up the response of the whitening product hence the colour change can be achieved more rapidly. Laser whitening is believed to make teeth up to five or six shades lighter.

How Long Will My Teeth Stay Whiter?

The effects of the procedure thought to last up to three years. But, this will be different from person to person. The result is less probable to last as long if you smoke, or eats or drink products that may stain your teeth. Ask the dental team for estimation before you begin the process.

What About Home Whitening Kits?

There are a lot of home whitening kits on hand, as well as paint-on whiteners and strips. How efficient these depend on the quantity of whitening formula they include.

Home tooth whitening kits are cheaper but they are not always tested for safety and are likely to be more acidic. So there is a possibility that these products might harm your teeth and gums. Since tooth whitening is a complex procedure we recommend that you at all times consult your dentist prior to using the product.

effective tooth whitening

What About Whitening Toothpaste?

There are a number of whitening toothpaste on the marketplace. Though they do not influence the normal colour of your teeth, they may be helpful at removing stains. As a result, they might improve the appearance of your teeth in general. Whitening toothpaste might also assist for the result to last, once the teeth have been expertly whitened.

When Might Tooth Whitening Not Work?

Tooth whitening can only lighten your present tooth colour. And it only works on real teeth. It won’t apply on any types of ‘false’ teeth like dentures, crowns and veneers.

If your dentures are discoloured or stained visit the dental team and enquire for it to be treated.